Golfo de México: toxicidad sin precedentes / Gulf of Mexico Presents Unprecedented Toxicity Problems / Plants for Health / Marea nera. Continua …

Toxic Oil Spill Rains Warned Could Destroy North America : Photo: EU Times online newspaper

Con el petróleo también salen a borbotones numerosos gases tóxicos del subsuelo. Entre los gases a los que está expuesto todo el que se encuentre cerca del Golfo se incluyen el “sulfuro de hidrógeno” y el “cloruro de metileno”. El límite permisible para el sulfuro de hidrógeno de la EPA es entre 5 y 10 ppb (partes por mil millones), pero el 3 de mayo se registraron niveles en el aire de 1.192 ppb. Un antiguo director ejecutivo de una compañía petrolera dice que esos niveles plantean riesgos graves, incluso fatales, a adultos y niños nonatos. El sulfuro de hidrógeno actúa como el monóxido de carbono y los gases de cianuro: inhibe la respiración celular y la captación de oxígeno, y causa sofocación celular. En cuanto al cloruro de metileno, el cuerpo lo convierte en monóxido de carbono, y se sabe que causa daño al hígado, a la piel y cáncer. El nivel seguro de la EPA para cloruro de metileno es de 61 ppb, y se encuentra en el aire a niveles de 3.000 ppb [[- Health Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide – Health Effects of Exposure to Benzene (from the CDC): «May Levels of Toxic Gases in Gulf Back Up Claim Made by Lindsey Williams«,, Prison Planet, 12-06-2010.]].

La mayoría de las personas saben que el “dispersante químico” utilizado por BP es altamente tóxico [[- «Corexit» – the most-used dispersant in the Deep Water Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico – Wikipedia (02-07-2010).]]. Es tan tóxico que la EPA ordenó a BP que usara un dispersante diferente y menos tóxico. BP hizo caso omiso de esta orden. Actualmente se han descargado en nuestros océanos más de 3,8 millones de litros de estos productos químicos tóxicos. Con el vertido de petróleo del Exxon Valdez, el mismo dispersante causó serios daños a los pulmones, al hígado, al sistema nervioso y a la sangre de las personas; y hay numerosos informes de que los miembros de los equipos de limpieza en el Golfo están enfermando. En la etiqueta del fabricante dice que no se han detectado síntomas de toxicidad, pero estos productos químicos, usados en cantidades enormes y desmedidas, son evidentemente muy tóxicos.

Todo esto suena mal, y así es, pero lo que nos deja helados es que como parte del ecosistema interconectado de la tierra, el agua de lluvia proviene de los océanos. Por lo tanto, no debe sorprender que algunos científicos estén prediciendo una destrucción grave en todo EE.UU. por “lluvias tóxicas” [[- «Toxic Oil Spill Rains Warned Could Destroy North America» EU Times online newspaper, The European Union Times, 24-05-2010.]], y parece que se informa sobre los primeros casos a unos 600 kilómetros del Golfo [[- «Mystery Crop Damage Threatens Hundreds of Acres» Shaun Chaiyabhat, News Channel 3, 01-06-2010.]]. De hecho, cientos de hectáreas de tierras agrícolas de Tennessee están en peligro.

Las cosechas tienen pequeñas quemaduras del tamaño de una gota de lluvia, y aunque los medios dominantes hablan de daños en las cosechas, todavía no han establecido la conexión entre las lluvias tóxicas, cargadas de productos químicos, y el posible fracaso de la cosecha. Se informa de que esas quemaduras afectan a todo lo que está a la vista y de que ninguna planta es inmune. También se encuentran pájaros muertos en las cercanías. Esas cosechas pueden fracasar, y si sobreviven es probable que sean tóxicas para el consumo porque las plantas que se riegan con productos químicos tóxicos los absorberán en sus células.

¿Qué se puede hacer entonces? Desintoxicar el cuerpo ahora y seguir haciéndolo regularmente en los meses y años por venir. Esos productos químicos en el aire –y pronto probablemente en el agua potable y en las cosechas que sobrevivan– representan un peligro muy real dentro de nuestros cuerpos. Por suerte, hay métodos para eliminar esos productos químicos, pero emprender los pasos necesarios depende de cada cual.

Fuente Rebelion.

TheAlexJonesChannel | 11-06-2010: Alex welcomes back to the show Lindsey Williams, author of The Energy Non-Crisis, who talks about Big Oil and the Gulf spill. Bilderberg hound and journalist for the American Free Press, Jim Tucker, gives a Bilderberg round-up following the latest elite confab in Spain. Alex also covers the news and takes your calls. Info Wars and Prison Planet.

Kim Evans, citizen journalist [[- See all articles by this author: «About the author» & «Articles by Kim Evans» (04-07-2010).]] – NaturalNews June 27, 2010

Gulf of Mexico Presents Unprecedented Toxicity Problems

If you`re living in the U.S., particularly within a thousand miles of the Gulf, you need to detoxify your body now. Here`s why: Crude oil is packed with a toxic chemical called benzene. Even in small amounts, benzene is associated with leukemia, Hodgkin`s Lymphoma and other serious blood and immune system diseases [[- «Reversible Antifertility Effects of Benzene Extract of Papaya Seed on Female Rats» Harsha Joshi and N J Chinoy, Phytotherapy Research volume 10 issue 4 pages 327-328, 04-12-1998, Wiley InterScience.]]. The EPA`s «safe level» for benzene is 4 ppb (parts per billion) and benzene is being found in Gulf air at levels of 3,000 ppb. Crude oil is being smelled hundreds of miles away, and make no mistake, if you can smell oil, you`re breathing highly toxic benzene [[- Health Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide – Health Effects of Exposure to Benzene (from the CDC): «May Levels of Toxic Gases in Gulf Back Up Claim Made by Lindsey Williams«,, Prison Planet, 12-06-2010.]]

With the oil, numerous toxic gases are also gushing from earth and gases that everyone near the Gulf is being exposed to include hydrogen sulfide and methylene chloride. The EPA`s allowable limit for hydrogen sulfide is 5-10 ppb (parts per billion), but on May 3rd air levels of 1,192 ppb were recorded. A former oil company CEO says these levels pose serious, even fatal, risks to adults and unborn children. Hydrogen sulfide acts like carbon monoxide and cyanide gases – it inhibits cellular respiration and oxygen uptake, and causes cellular suffocation. As for methylene chloride, the body changes it to carbon monoxide – and it`s known to cause liver damage, skin damage and cancer. The EPA`s safe level for methylene chloride is 61 ppb – and it`s being found in the air at levels of 3,000 ppb [[- Health Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide – Health Effects of Exposure to Benzene (from the CDC): «May Levels of Toxic Gases in Gulf Back Up Claim Made by Lindsey Williams«,, Prison Planet, 12-06-2010.]].

Most people know that the chemical dispersant BP is using is highly toxic [[- «Corexit» – the most-used dispersant in the Deep Water Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico – Wikipedia (02-07-2010).]]. It`s so toxic that the EPA ordered BP to use a different and less toxic dispersant – an order which BP ignored. Currently, over a million gallons of these toxic chemicals have been dumped into our oceans. With the Exxon Valdez oil spill, the same dispersant caused serious respiratory, liver, nervous system, kidney and blood damage in people – and reports that clean up crews in the Gulf are falling ill are plenty. On the manufacturer`s label, it says that no toxicity testing has been done, but these chemicals being used in enormous and uncontained quantities are obviously very toxic.

All of this sounds bad, and it is, but here`s the kicker: as part of the earth`s interconnected ecosystem, rain water comes from the oceans. So, it shouldn`t be a surprise that scientists are predicting severe destruction across the U.S. from toxic rains [[- «Toxic Oil Spill Rains Warned Could Destroy North America» EU Times online newspaper, The European Union Times, 24-05-2010.]] -and it appears the first cases are being reported about 400 miles from the Gulf [[- «Mystery Crop Damage Threatens Hundreds of Acres» Shaun Chaiyabhat, News Channel 3, 01-06-2010.]]. In fact, hundreds of acres of Tennessee farm land are at risk.

The crops have small, raindrop-sized burn marks on them and while the mainstream media is reporting crop damage, they haven`t yet made the connection between the toxic, chemical-ridden rains and the potential crop failure. It`s being reported that these raindrop-sized burn marks are affecting everything in sight, and no plant is immune. Dead birds are also being found nearby. These crops may fail and if they do survive, it`s likely they`ll be toxic to consume because plants being watered with toxic chemicals will absorb those chemicals into their cells.

So, what can you do? Detoxify your body now and continue to do so regularly in the months and years to come. These chemicals in the air – and likely soon in the drinking water and in crops that do survive – present a very real danger inside our bodies. Thankfully, there are methods to remove these chemicals – but it`s up to you to take the steps to do so.

Link Global Research

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Wiley InterScience

Prison Planet

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The European Union Times: EU Times online newspaper

News Channel 3


HorseofPaulRevere | 14-06-2010 BP Oil Spill: Toxic Gases Spreading Inland, Scientist Says Move Out of Gulf … Evacuations of the Gulf Region are coming, FEMA will open its one-way doors. Gases such as Hydrogen Sulfide, Benzene, Methylene Chloride, and other toxic gases pose a greater risk to human health than the presence of oil washing up on Gulf of Mexico beaches. The allowable levels of Hydrogen Sulfide and Benzene according to the EPA are 5-10 parts per billion and 0 respectively.The EPA reported the level detected in the Gulf at almost 1.200 PPB for hydrogen sulfide and 3.400 PPB for Benzene during the month of May. The amounts pose a serious and even fatal health risk to people and animals [[- For some official level reports on these deadly gases click here.

A question we must ask ourselves: How bad could this go? We are just at the beginning. Consider death and debilitating illness caused by the following, simple exposure to the crude oil and make-up, or the chemical dispersant, the close proximity to the ‘burn-off’ of such ‘contained’ areas, the fumes and toxic vapors being given off ‘naturally’ at the surface of the Gulf of Mexico. Also consider the unseen Giant Plumes of oil snaking their way through the depths of the ocean, poisoning all marine life on their way to everywhere. What about the marshlands, deltas, swamps and low lying areas dependent on the waters for their survival. I mean the animals and the people. Food intake, let alone money for the fisherman, will be 0. All of these things, and much more, Are Already Happening. Many will be hungry.]].

Tony Isaacs, citizen journalist [[- See all articles by this author: Articles by Tony Isaacs.]] – NaturalNews [[- «NaturalNews: Main articles» 03-07-2010.]] June 26, 2010

If You Live Near the Gulf Coast Oil Spill, Use House Plants for Cleaner Air

As if Louisiana and other gulf coast residents didn’t already have enough to worry about from the catastrophic oil spill, new reports are indicating that the very air they breathe has become a health threat [[- «Toxins in air from evaporating oil may pose greater threat to Gulf residents than oily water» Gregory Patin,, 15-06-2010.]]. Air quality samples have found levels of sulphur dioxide, benzene and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) anywhere from 100 to 1000 times the maximum levels considered safe [[- «Study: Air Near Oil Spill Contains 100 Times the Safe Amount of Toxins» 11-05-2010 & «Video Suggests BP Literally Covering Up Oil Damage on Louisiana Beaches» 01-07-2010 – Fast Company.]]. One place Gulf Coast residents may look to find considerable relief from VOCs in their homes and offices is their local organic nurseries where they can find indoor plants that are proven natural toxin removers.

The Louisiana Environmental Action Network (LEAN) recently evaluated the EPA’s air content and quality testing results in Venice Beach, Louisiana. LEAN found hydrogen sulfide content of up to 1,192 parts per billion. LEAN and other agencies have also found extremely elevated levels of other VOCs, most notably cancer causing benzene. The highest levels of benzene detected to date were on April 30, at 3,084 ppb, followed by May 2, at 3,416 ppb. Louisiana’s ambient air standard for the VOC benzene is 3.76 ppb.

All VOCs are highly toxic to humans and physical reactions from exposure to these gases include:


*Irritation of eyes, nose or throat

*Coughing or difficulty breathing


*Nausea or vomiting

*Rapid or irregular heartbeat




*Memory damage

*Ocular damage

*Neurological damage



*Death (at very high levels)

Scores of residents and clean up workers have already been reported as suffering from spill-related symptoms. Louisiana’s Health Secretary Alan Levine told CBS News there have been 75 people so far reporting spill-related symptoms in Louisiana. CNN has reported that an additional 15 cases have been reported in Alabama.

The good news is that common indoor plants may offer considerable improvement for the air in homes and offices [[- «Clean Your Air and Brighten Your Day with Houseplants» Tony Isaacs, NaturalNews, 11-02-2009 & «Articles by Tony Isaacs» NaturalNews .]]. In the late 1980s, NASA and the Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA) spent two years testing common house plants for their ability to remove the volatile organic compounds benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde from the air. The study found that all of the plants were useful, with some houseplants capable of removing as much as 87 percent of indoor air pollutants within 24 hours. The plants the study found effective were:

*Bamboo or Reed Palm

*Elephant Ear Philodendron

*Chinese Evergreen


*Cornstalk Dracaena

*English Ivy

*Gerbera Daisy

*Golden Pothos

*Heartleaf Philodendron

*Janet Craig Dracaena

*Peace Lily

*Red-edged Dracaena

*Selloum Philodendron

*Snake Plant

*Spider Plant

*Warneck Dracaena

*Weeping Fig

Though the study was limited to only three common VOC pollutants, it is believed that the same indoor plants should also be effective against other VOCs, including sulphur dioxide. The plants which were found to be most effective for benzene removal were: English Ivy, Dracaena marginata, Janet Craig, Warneckei, Chrysanthemum, Gerbera Daisy and Peace lily.

Besides the benefits of eliminating toxins from the air, plants are a source of oxygen. They have been found to elevate mood as well as productivity and they reduce fatigue, coughs, sore throats and other cold-related illnesses by more than 30 percent, partially by increasing humidity levels and decreasing dust.

DIY Carbon Water Filter

In addition to houseplants, carbon air filters [[- «Carbon Filters: Why Every Home Should Have This Technology To Remove the Impurities in the Air and Water – Carbon air filter – Carbon water filter» Taylor Omri, Hub Pages.]] in combination with HEPA filters are very good for removing VOCs and other pollutants from indoor air. Activated carbon filters in particular are effective at eliminating sulphur dioxide in both air and water. Sulphur dioxide is commonly referred to as «rotten egg gas» due to its distinctive odor.

Note: organic nurseries are preferred sources of all plants since commercial nurseries frequently use malathion and other pesticides.

Sources included

Fast Company



Hub Pages

Link NaturalNews

HorseofPaulRevere | 21 de mayo de 2010: Gulf Workers Sick As Dogs, Could Millions Die? Gulf Spill & Cleanup (A Third Of The Waters) [[Journalists threatened with arrest by BP contractors for trying to film BP’s mess. Gulf Oil Spill Disaster And Cover-Up – Lista de reproducción you tube. The Gulliver 78 BP/The British Petroleum Co plc – BP Dossier BP Family Tree/History. Emerging reports are raising the question of just how much of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill journalists are able to document. When CBS tried to film a beach with heavy oil on the shore in South Pass, Louisiana, a boat of BP contractors, and two Coast Guard officers, told them to turn around, or be arrested. «This is BP’s rules, it’s not ours,» someone aboard the boat said. Coast Guard officials told CBS that they’re looking into it. As the Coast Guard is a branch of the Armed Forces, it brings into question how closely the government and BP are working together to keep details secret. BPs Oil Gushes, Company Keeps Information to a Trickle: Propublica.
It’s a like a volcano of oil, Giant Plumes of oil forming under the Gulf of Mexico: 10 miles long, 3 miles wide and 300 feet thick in spots … (links below). Scientists are finding enormous oil plumes in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico, including one as large as 10 miles long, 3 miles wide and 300 feet thick in spots. The discovery is fresh evidence that the leak from the broken undersea well could be substantially worse than estimates that the government and BP have given. Theres a shocking amount of oil in the deep water, relative to what you see in the surface water, said Samantha Joye, a researcher at the University of Georgia. Theres a tremendous amount of oil in multiple layers, three or four or five layers deep in the water column: The New York Times. Alabama resident John Wathen and a volunteer pilot, Tom Hutchins, flew over the Gulf Of Mexico, surveying the spread of oil related contaminants, cleanup efforts, and the area where the oil rig sank. What they saw will shock you, oil sheen, heavy streaking, discolored water, and a massive red mass of floating goo, all of which dwarfed the boats dragging booms in hopes of containing at least a few drops.The disaster appears to be Much Larger than admitted, Officials have stopped guessing at the amount of oil leaking although some speculate it may be closer to 1 million gallons per day. Don’t let BP spin this into something trivial. «It’s not a leak, it’s a volcano spewing oil» and no that doesn’t mean an Actual volcano, it is a figure of speech! There is much we are not being told, and there is much not being done to contain it. This ‘leak’ is not just killing a few dolphins or coating a few birds, it is killing the entire ocean. There are reports of 4-5 Underwater Layers of oil now, in addition to the lighter components in crude oil, which will rise to the top quickly, expanding rapidly to gas form: See You Tube: Recomendaciones personalizadas.]].

Debora Billi, Petrolio Blogosfere, 29-06-2010

Marea nera. Continua, e non è cambiato nulla

Diventa sempre più difficile, anche per chi se ne occupa da ormai due mesi, reperire notizie sull’andamento del disastro nel Golfo. La Deepwater Horizon non è più da prima pagina: e non mi riferisco all’Italia, dove non ha ricevuto grande attenzione ed è ormai relegata a trafiletti in ventesima. Anche negli USA il disastro sta diventando parte del paesaggio, qualcosa a cui ci si sta lentamente abituando come ad un evento ineluttabile.

Le webcam sono ancora tutte online, ma non ci sono più milioni di spettatori che avidamente seguono minuto per minuto tentando di scorgere il dettaglio rivelatore; non più migliaia di discussioni appassionate sui forum per spiegare quello sbuffo grigio o quel movimento strano del ROV; assopite anche le accuse rivolte alla BP che nasconde questo e quello. Ormai non resta che attendere i relief well, il primo dei quali sarà pronto fra circa due settimane. Nel frattempo, i 60 o 100 mila barili al giorno continuano a finire in mare e nessuno può farci nulla per fermarli. Dovremo tenerceli.

Gli unici che ancora cercano di farsi sentire sono i cittadini della Louisiana, della Florida, del Mississippi, che inondano la Rete con centinaia di video che mostrano lo sfacelo delle coste e delle spiagge mentre la TV, ormai completamente avulsa dalla realtà, continua a mandare spot in cui le celebrità invitano a recarsi in vacanza nel Golfo. I cittadini raccontano di bambini con la tosse, del bagnasciuga che «puzza come una stazione di servizio», di piante bruciate, di pozzanghere oleose dopo gli acquazzoni, di addetti alla pulizia che si sentono male ogni sera. Nessuno li ascolta, probabilmente, e quando un video esce dall’anonimato c’è sempre qualcuno pronto a dire che siccome non lo dice la TV è tutto inattendibile e frutto di ignoranza o di qualche burlone. Come se da quelle parti avessero voglia di scherzare.

Il video di oggi è quello di una signora di Pensacola, Florida, che mostra le spiagge piene di catrame. Guardate dal minuto 0:55 il suo esperimento casalingo con un pezzo di filtro per cappe da cucina …

Link Petrolio Blogosfere

dianaserdenstephens | 28-06-2010: Diana Stephens reports on new oil rolling in on the surf. The beaches remain open, Pensacola has rescinded the health advisory, despite the water being full of sludge and oil. I demonstrate how oily it is by using a piece of porous filter material and swiping it in the surf. The way the material is coated is similar to what happens when people and animals get caught in this. June 28. See my FB page for updated photos and videos.

Debora Billi Petrolio Blogosfere, Traducción Gorka Larrabeiti, Rebelión 01-07-2010

Sigue la marea negra. Nada ha cambiado

Se está haciendo cada vez más difícil, incluso para quienes llevan ya dos meses en ello, encontrar noticias sobre cómo procede el desastre en el Golfo. La Deep Water Horizon ya no es de primera plana y no me refiero a Italia, donde no ha merecido gran atención y ha quedado arrinconada a los breves en página 20. También en EE.UU. el desastre ha pasado a formar parte del paisaje, algo a lo que poco a poco nos están acostumbrando como si se tratara de un acontecimiento inevitable.

Las webcams siguen todavía online, pero ya no hay millones de espectadores que sigan con entusiasmo minuto a minuto tratando de dar con el detalle revelador; ya no se leen miles de apasionados debates en el foro para explicar ese bulto gris o aquel desplazamiento anómalo del ROV. Las acusaciones que se dirigían a la BP por ocultar que si esto que si aquello han caído en el sopor. Lo único que queda es esperar los relief well: el primero de ellos estará listo en unas dos semanas. Mientras tanto, 60 o 100 mil barriles por día terminan en el mar y nadie puede hacer nada para detenerlos. Tendremos que quedarnos con ellos.

Los únicos que siguen tratando de hacer ruido para que les escuchen son los ciudadanos de Luisiana, Florida y Mississippi, que inundan la red con cientos de videos que muestran el horror de las costas y playas, mientras la TV, ahora completamente divorciada de la realidad, continúa emitiendo anuncios publicitarios con famosos que invitan a ir de vacaciones al Golfo. Los ciudadanos hablan de los niños con tos, de toallas que «apestan a gasolinera«, de plantas quemadas, de charcos aceitosos después de chubascos, de personal de limpieza que se encuentra mal todas las noches. Nadie los escucha, probablemente, y cuando un clip de video rompe el anonimato, siempre hay quien dice que, como la tele no lo da, seguro que es de poco fiar, fruto de la ignorancia o de algún bromista. Como si aún tuvieran ganas de andarse con chanzas por esos lares.

El vídeo de hoy es el de una mujer de Pensacola, Florida, que muestra las playas llenas de alquitrán. Miren el minuto 0:55 y su experimento casero con una trozo de filtro de una campana extractoras de cocina …

Fuente Rebelión

 Mystery Crop Damage Threatens Hundreds Of Acres

(3 de julio de 2010)